Detailed Program
2018 COMPRES Annual Meeting
Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico
August 05, 2018 to August 08, 2018
*Indicates student/post-doc presenter
Sunday, August 5 (Day 1)
Pre-Meeting Geology Field Trip to Mount Taylor Area
Arrival (PM) and check-in (No formal sessions)
Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa
1300 Tuyuna Trail
Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, USA, 87004
Tel: +1.505.867.1234
4:00 PM Check-in, Setup Posters (Tamaya Prefunction North)
4:30 PM Welcome Reception (sponsored) (Tamaya Ballroom D-H)
6:00 PM Poster Session preview (sponsored) (Tamaya Ballroom D-H)
7:30 PM Dinner (Tamaya Veranda)
Monday, August 6 (Day 2)
7:00 AM Breakfast (Rio Grande Bar)
Session Chair – Heather Watson (Union College)
(Tamaya Ballroom D-H)
8:30 AM Welcome and Introduction
Carl Agee – President of COMPRES (University of New Mexico)
9:00 AM Keynote Talk – An isotope geochemist's perspective on planetary differentiation and evolution
Anat Shahar - Carnegie Institution for Science
9:30 AM Discussion
9:45 AM Reports from Facilities Projects Overview
Mark Rivers (Facilities Chair, University of Chicago)
Facilities Project Presentations
10:00 AM Nuclear Resonant and Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Facility (Ercan Alp, Argonne National Laboratory)
10:15 AM MAXPD: Multi-Anvil X-ray Powder Diffraction at NSLS-II (Matthew Whitaker, MPI Stony Brook University)
10:30 AM COMPRES Facility Update: Beamline 12.2.2 at the Advanced Light Source (Christine Beavers, University of California, Santa Cruz)
10:45 AM Coffee Break
Facilities Project Presentations continued
11:05 AM Partnership for eXtreme Xtallography (PX2) Project at APS (Dongzhou Zhang, APS)
11:20 AM COMPRES IR-DAC Facilities at NSLS-II: Progress and Perspective (Zhenxian Liu, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
11:35 AM COMPRES Multi-Anvil Cell Assembly Project (Kurt Leinenweber, Arizona State University)
11:50 AM COMPRES Multi-Anvil Facility at Beamline 6BM-B of the Advanced Photon Source (Haiyan Chen, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
12:05 PM Gas Loading at APS (Mark Rivers, University of Chicago)
(Mark Rivers - GSECARS, APS)
12:30 PM Lunch (Rio Grande Bar)
Monday, August 6 (Day 2)
Session Chair – Steve Jacobsen (Northwestern University)
(Tamaya Ballroom D-H)
2:00 PM Keynote Talk – Time dependent behavior and mechanisms of heating in the brittle and ductile regimes of icy satellites
Christine McCarthy - Columbia University
2:30 PM Discussion
2:45 PM Contributed Talk - Single crystal elasticity of ice VII (now) up to 52 GPa (Bin Chen, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
3:00 PM Contributed Talk - Self-diffusion in zinc at high pressure: Insight into the rheology of Earth’s inner core (*Jeff Pigott, Los Alamos National Laboratory)
3:15 PM Coffee Break
3:35 PM Poster Cameos I: 1-minute, 1 slide each
(last names N-Z)
To be emailed to Beth Ha ( by 11:59 PM on August 1 in pdf format.
4:15 PM Poster Session (sponsored)
Judging for posters Session I (last names N-Z)
6:15 PM Announcements
6:30 PM Group Photo
7:00 PM Dinner (Tamaya Hummingbird Garden)
Tuesday, August 7 (Day 3)
7:00 AM Breakfast (Rio Grande Bar)
Session Chair – Bin Chen (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
(Tamaya Ballroom D-H)
8:30 AM Keynote Talk – Psyche mission to provide new insights into the formation, evolution, and inner workings of the cores of terrestrial planets
Tom Prettyman, Planetary Science Institute
9:00 AM Discussion
9:15 AM Contributed Talk - Stability of the high pressure phase Fe3(S,O)2 to Earth and planetary core conditions in the Fe-S-O system (*Claire Zurkowski, University of Chicago)
9:30 AM Contributed Talk - Carbonate-metal reactions in the mantle (*Anne Davis, University of Chicago)
9:45 AM Contributed Talk - High Pressure Changes to the Carbonate Ion: Implications for Carbon Retention in the Mantle (*Cara Vennari, University of California, Santa Cruz)
10:00 AM Coffee Break
Reports from recent COMPRES workshops
10:20 AM Overview (Susannah Dorfman, EOID Committee Chair - Michigan State University)
10:30 AM NRS Workshop 2017: CONUSS and Synchrotron Mössbauer Data Analysis (Wenli Bi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/Argonne National Laboratory)
10:40 AM Workshop on challenges in the study of materials at extreme conditions using DAC at NSLS-II (Jiuhua Chen, Florida International University)
10:50 AM Workshop on Synchrotron Infrared Spectroscopy on Materials in Extreme Environments (Zhenxian Liu, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
11:00 AM Business Meeting & Election of New Officers
11:00 AM Students/Postdocs Business Meeting (Badger)
12:30 PM Lunch (Tamaya Veranda)
Tuesday, August 7 (Day 3)
Science Programs and Collaborative Initiatives
Session Chair – Cara Vennari (UC Santa Cruz)
(Tamaya Ballroom D-H)
2:00 PM Keynote Talk – Using Sandia's Z Machine and Density Functional Theory Simulations to Understand Planetary Materials
Seth Root - Sandia National Laboratories
2:30 PM Discussion
2:45 PM Contributed Talk - The Pressure and Temperature Phase Space of Rocky Exoplanets (*Cayman Unterborn, Arizona State University)
3:00 PM Poster Cameos II: 1-minute, 1 slide each
(last names A-M)
To be emailed to Beth Ha ( by 11:59 PM on August 1 in pdf format.
3:30 PM Coffee Break
3:50 PM Breakout Sessions
Panel discussion for students and postdocs: Grant Writing
Panel Members: Robin Reichlin (NSF), Martin Kunz (ALS/LBNL), Alisha Clark (Northwestern), Anat Shahar (Carnegie), Andrew Campbell (U. Chicago)
Discussion of plans for DAC facility at NSLS II
Jiuhua Chen (Florida International University) (Badger)
5:00 PM Continuation of Poster Session (sponsored)
Judging for Poster Session II (last names A-M)
6:45 PM Announcements
7:00 PM Banquet Dinner (Tamaya Veranda)
Wednesday, August 8 (Day 4)
7:00 AM Breakfast (Rio Grande Bar)
Session Chair – Susannah Dorfman (Michigan State University)
(Tamaya Ballroom D-H)
8:30 AM Contributed talk - Elasticity of polycrystalline β-Mg2SiO4 containing 0.73 wt.% H2O to 10 GPa and 600 K by ultrasonic interferometry
(Gabriel Gwanmesia, Delaware State University)
8:45 AM Contributed Talk - Water Storage Capacity of Earth’s Mantle and Its Temporal Evolution (*Junjie Dong, Harvard University)
9:00 AM Contributed Talk - Laboratory simulation of deformation of a subducted slab in the mantle transition zone (*Anwar Mohiuddin, Yale University)
9:15 AM Contributed Talk - The High Pressure Response of Uranyl Nano-Cages: Insights on the Roles of Chemistry and Cluster Topology (*Katlyn Turner, Harvard University)
Reports from EOID Projects
9:30 AM Overview
Susannah Dorfman (EOID Chair, Michigan State University)
9:45 AM Infrastructural Development for Deep-Earth Large-Volume Experimentation (DELVE)
Susannah Dorfman (for Wang et al.) - Michigan State University
10:00 AM A Career Path for Underrepresented Minority Students from MSIs to National Laboratories
Gabriel Gwanmesia - Delaware State University
10:15 AM Development of an Electrical Cell in the Multi-Anvil to Study Planetary Deep Interiors
Anne Pommier - University of California, San Diego/SIO IGPP
10:30 AM Coffee Break
10:50 AM Announcement of Presentation Awards
11:00 AM Reports from breakout sessions
11:15 AM Closing remarks
Carl Agee – President of COMPRES (University of New Mexico)
12:00 PM Departure. See you next year!
Post-Meeting Field Trip to Sandia National Labs
Shuttles depart at 12:30 PM