Job Opportunities

Postdoctoral positions are posted under Student Opportunities and Fellowships.

Assistant Physicist - Term

posted on: 10-03-2022 08:06am

HPCAT has an opening for an Assistant Physicist position. We seek a candidate with a strong background in large volume apparatus (Paris Edinburgh and/or multi-anvil press) and overall experience with high pressure experimental techniques coupled with x-ray measurements. The candidate will be expected to work along with other HPCAT staff in continuing to develop the large volume PE press program at 16BM-B beamline at the APS.  Furthermore, the candidate will play an integral part in... read more

Postdoctoral Associate at Stony Brook

posted on: 02-16-2022 11:44am

Required Qualifications: (... read more

Tenure Track Junior Professorship at the Bayerisches Geoinstitut

posted on: 01-04-2022 07:32am

Junior Professor of Geomaterials
Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciecnes
Application deadline: 27. Februar 2022

The University of Bayreuth is a research-oriented university with internationally competitive, interdisciplinary focus areas in research and teaching. Bayerisches Geoinstitut and the Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences at the... read more

Three Assistant Professor Positions: Structural Geology & Tectonics, Geodesy & Marine Geophysics, and Coastal Geology - University of Hawai`i

posted on: 12-19-2019 04:24pm

The Department of Earth Sciences in the School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology, University of Hawai`i at Manoa seeks to fill three tenure-track faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor in the broad area of active geologic processes. We seek a group of talented scientists eager to leverage our unique location in the Pacific region on an ocean island... read more


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