Workshop on Long Range Plan for High Pressure Earth Sciences
Meeting Prospectus
The scientific goals of this meeting include: (1) discussing recent scientific successes of the high-pressure mineral physics community; and (2) articulating in what directions our research could evolve over the next decade. The former goal is retrospective, and incorporates how our field has impacted other subdisciplines of the earth sciences, including seismology, geodynamics and petrology. The latter goal represents a challenge: what are the next major breakthroughs of our community, and what infrastructure will be necessary to achieve them? While recognizing that incremental progress will occur, what new and different developments could occur? And, what long-standing problems might we solve?
The product that we anticipate will arise from this meeting will be a new scientific plan for high-pressure mineral physics: a document that will not only serve as a blueprint for our community as it moves forward, but will also serve as the input of our community to a new NAS report, commissioned by NSF, on Basic Research Opportunities in the Earth Sciences (BROES). Quentin Williams will serve as Editor-in-Chief of this successor to the 2004 Bass Report.
Name | Institution |
Carl B. Agee | University of New Mexico |
Paul D. Asimow | California Institute of Technology |
Jay D. Bass | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Amy Bengtson | University of Michigan |
J. Michael Brown | University of Washington |
Bruce Buffett | University of California Berkeley |
Pamela C Burnley | University of Nevada at Las Vegas |
Andrew Campbell | University of Maryland |
Wang-Ping Chen | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Anastasia Chopelas | University of California Los Angeles |
Simon Clark | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Lisa R Danielson | NASA Johnson Space Center |
Yang Ding | Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Jianjun Dong | Auburn University |
Wyatt L Du Frane | Arizona State University |
Thomas S. Duffy | Princeton University |
William B. Durham | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Lars Ehm | Stony Brook University |
Sonia Esperanca | National Science Foundation |
Rodney C Ewing | University of Michigan |
Daniel L. Farber | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Yingwei Fei | Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Edward Garnero | Arizona State University |
Alexander F Goncharov | Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Harry W. Green | University of California Riverside |
Malcolm Guthrie | Argonne National Laboratory |
Gabriel D Gwanmesia | Delaware State University |
Ulrich Haussermann | Arizona State University |
Russell J. Hemley | Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Marc M Hirschmann | University of Minnesota |
Jennifer M Jackson | California Institute of Technology |
Chi-Chang Kao | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Shun-Ichiro Karato | Yale University |
Abby Kavner | University of California Los Angeles |
Boris Kiefer | New Mexico State University |
Thorne Lay | University of California Santa Cruz |
Kanani K. M. Lee | Yale University |
Kurt Leinenweber | Arizona State University |
Charles E Lesher | University of California Davis |
Jie Li | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Li Li | Stony Brook University |
Robert C Liebermann | COMPRES |
Jung-fu Lin | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Zhenxian Liu | Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Shengnian Luo | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Murli H Manghnani | University of Hawaii |
William F McDonough | University of Maryland |
Allen K McNamara | Arizona State University |
Hans J. Mueller | GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences |
Alexandra Navrotsky | University of California Davis |
Malcolm Nicol | University of Nevada at Las Vegas |
Richard J. O'Connell | Harvard University |
Artem R Oganov | Stony Brook University |
Wendy R Panero | Ohio State University |
John B Parise | Stony Brook University |
Vitali Prakapenka | University of Chicago |
Charles T Prewitt | University of Arizona |
Robin Reichlin | National Science Foundation |
Glenn A Richard | Stony Brook University |
Mark Rivers | University of Chicago |
Nancy L. Ross | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universit |
Thomas Sharp | Arizona State University |
Guoyin Shen | Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Sang-Heon Shim | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Adam C Simon | University of Nevada at Las Vegas |
Stanislav V Sinogeikin | Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Joseph R Smyth | University of Colorado |
Emmanuel Soignard | Arizona State University |
Nicole Staab | Arizona State University |
Lars Stixrude | University of Michigan |
Emil Stoyanov | Arizona State University |
Wolfgang Sturhahn | Argonne National Laboratory |
Oliver Tschauner | University of Nevada at Las Vegas |
Chris A. Tulk | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
James Tyburczy | Arizona State University |
James A Van Orman | Case Western Reserve University |
Emily Vance | COMPRES |
David Walker | Columbia University |
Yanbin Wang | University of Chicago |
Donald J Weidner | Stony Brook University |
Renata Wentzcovitch | University of Minnesota |
Quentin C Williams | University of California Santa Cruz |
Tony Withers | University of Minnesota |
Jun Wu | Arizona State University |
Hasan Yavas | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Chunpeng Zhao | Arizona State University |
Yusheng Zhao | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Plenary Talks
Plenary Theme 1: The Deeper Reaches of the Planet: Properties of Iron and its Alloys and the Novel Materials of the Deepest Mantle
- Structure and Dynamics of the Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary
Plenary Speaker Bruce Buffett, UC Berkeley
- How Material Properties Affect Our View of the Deep Earth
Plenary Speaker Jennifer Jackson, Caltech
Plenary Theme 2: The Dynamic Ceramic Mantle
- Seismological Structures in the Deep Mantle and Core: Challenges for Mineral Physics
Plenary Speaker Thorne Lay, UCSC
- Silicate Melts and Melting Throughout the Mantle: Progress and Prospects
Plenary Speaker Paul Asimow, Caltech
- Rheological Properties of Planetary Materials
Plenary Speaker Shun Karato, Yale
Plenary Theme 3: Mineral Physics and Society
Trickle-down Science: Societal Impact of Mineral Physics
Plenary Speaker Rod Ewing, U Michigan
Deep Earth Volatile Cycles
Plenary Speaker Marc Hirschmann, U Minn
Plenary Theme 4: Enabling Cutting-Edge Science: Tools and the Accomplishments they will drive in the Next Decade of Discovery
High-Pressure Geoscience: New Tools and Expanding Outreach
Plenary Speaker Russell Hemley, Carnegie Institution
Protons to Planets: Advances and Prospects in Computational Mineral Physics
Plenary Speaker Lars Stixrude, UC London