Inelastic X-ray and Nuclear Resonant Scattering and Applications in Earth Sciences

Organizers: Wenli Bi1,2, E. Ercan Alp2, Jay Bass1
1University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory

The proposed workshop will focus on the scientific applications and capabilities both Nuclear Resonant Scattering and momentum-resolved Inelastic X-ray Scattering. The expected audience includes research PIs, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates. The workshop features talks from beamline staff of the Advanced Photon Source and experienced user groups to present examples from their own applications. The goal is to inform the COMPRES community and provide opportunities for open conversation between the prospective research groups, experienced users, and the beamline staff.

8:00am Breakfast
9:00am Overview of inelastic x-ray scattering techniques (Ercan Alp, ANL)
9:30am Nuclear Resonant Scattering (Wenli Bi, University of Illinois/ANL)
10:00am Coffee Break
10:30am Momentum resolved Inelastic X-Ray Scattering HERIX-3 and HERIX-30 Instruments at APS (Ayman Said, ANL)
11:00am Strategies for Nuclear Resonant Experiments (Wolfgang Sturhahn, Caltech)
11:30am Nuclear Resonant Scattering Instrumentation at APS (Jiyong Zhao, ANL)
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Nuclear Resonant Scattering in Geophysics (Jennifer Jackson, Caltech)
1:30pm Introduction to Isotope Fractionation (Anat Shahar, Carnegie Institute of Science)
2:00pm Spin State, Valence State and the Magnetic Ordering of Fe in Lower-Mantle Phases (Dan Shim, Arizona State University)
2:30pm Magnetic and Elastic Properties of Fe3P and Fe3C (Bin Chen, University of Hawaii)
3:00pm Coffee break
3:15pm Valence and Spin State of Iron are Invisible in Earth's Lower Mantle (Susannah Dorfman, Michigan State University)
3:45pm Impact of Pressure on Magnetic Order in Jarosite (Ryan Klein, Northwestern University)
4:15pm Discussion
4:45pm Workshop concluded

Workshop Dates: 
Friday, August 2, 2019
Workshop Location: 
Big Sky Resort

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