Detailed Program

2015 COMPRES Annual Meeting

Cheyenne Mountain Resort, Colorado Springs, Colorado

July 06, 2015 to July 09, 2015


Monday, July 6 (Day 1)

Arrival (PM) and check-in (No formal sessions)

4:00 PM Check-in

Setup Posters (Colorado II & III) 

6:00 PM Poster Session with Refreshments (Colorado II & III)

7:30 PM Dinner (Mountain View Dining Room) 



Tuesday, July 7 (Day 2)

7:00 AM Breakfast (Mountain View Dining Room)


Session Chair – Jennifer Jackson (Caltech) 

8:30 AM Welcome and Introduction
Jay Bass – President of COMPRES (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Carl Agee - President Elect, COMPRES (University of New Mexico)

9:00 AM Activities at the National Science Foundation

Robin Reichlin (Program Director, EAR-National Science Foundation)
9:15 AM Keynote Talk – Slip systems in lower mantle minerals: What we know and what we need to know 
Lowell Miyagi – University of Utah
9:45 AM Discussion 
9:55 AM Contributed Talks 
  • High-Pressure Crystallography of Inorganic and Hybrid Frameworks (Nancy Ross, Virginia Tech)

10:10 AM Coffee Break

10:30 AM Education, Outreach, and Infrastructure Development (EOID) Projects Abby Kavner (EOID Chair, University of California, Los Angeles) – Overview

  • 10:40 AM Novel Design of cryostat and membrane-driven Diamond Anvil Cell for Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering at high pressure and low temperature (Wenli Bi, UIUC/ANL)

10:50 AM Facilities Projects Andrew Campbell (Facilities Chair, University of Chicago) - Overview

  • 11:15 AM ALS high-pressure beamline 12.2.2: Status and outlook (Martin Kunz, ALS)
  • 11:30 AM New COMPRES multi-anvil facility at Beamline 6-BM-B of the Advanced Photon Source: Open for business! (Matthew Whitaker, MPI, Stony Brook University)
  • 11:45 AM Update on the partnership for eXtreme Xtallography (PX^2) project (Dongzhou Zhang, University of Hawaii and GSE-CARS)

12:00 PM Outcomes of the Mineral Physics Long-Range Planning Workshop

Workshop co-chairs: Przemek Dera (University of Hawaii) and Don Weidner (Stony Brook University)

12:15 PM Discussion

12:30 PM Lunch (Mountain View Dining Room)


Session Chair – Pamela Burnley (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) 

2:00 PM Keynote Talk - "Large multi-anvil press and application to novel materials synthesis"
Tetsuo Irifune – Ehime University
2:30 PM Discussion

2:40 PM Keynote Talk - "Development of large-volume HP-HT in situ observation systems in the neutron and synchrotron radiation facilities in Germany"
Tomoo Katsura - Bayerisches Geoinstitut, University of Bayreuth
3:10 PM Discussion

3:20 PM Coffee Break

3:40 PM Poster Cameos 1-minute 1-slide each 
To be emailed to Steve Hurst ( before the meeting, using the following filename format: SurnameForename.pptx, or ...pdf or ...key 
4:30 PM Poster Session with Refreshments (Colorado II & III)

6:30 PM Dinner (Mountain View Dining Room)


Session Chair – Bin Chen (University of Hawaii)

8:00 PM Keynote Talk - "Mercury: Exploring the differentiation of the Solar System’s innermost planet"
Nancy Chabot- Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
8:30 PM Discussion

8:45 PM Continuation of Poster Session (Colorado II & III)



Wednesday, July 8 (Day 3)

7:00 AM Breakfast (Mountain View Dining Room)


Session Chair – Andrew Campbell (University of Chicago) 

8:30 AM Keynote Talk - "A eulogy for the basal magma ocean"
Dave Stegman – University of California, San Diego
9:00 AM Discussion

9:10 AM Keynote Talk - "Exploring mantle properties using abyssal peridotites"
Jessica Warren – Stanford University
9:40 AM Discussion
9:50 AM Coffee Break

10:15 AM Community Resources

  • 10:15 AM GSECARS 2015 update for COMPRES (Mark Rivers, University of Chicago)
  • 10:30 AM Recent developments in high pressure synchrotron techniques at HPCAT (Yoshio Kono, Carnegie Institution of Washington)
  • 10:45 AM High pressure synchrotron 57Fe Mossbauer Spectroscopy in Hybrid Mode of the APS: Iron under pressure (Ercan Alp, Argonne National Lab)
  • 11:00 AM Single crystal on Beamline 12.2.2: Current state and development plans (Christine Beavers. COMPRES/ALS)
  • 11:15 AM Determine single crystal elasticity using Thermal Diffused Scattering (TDS) (Jin Zhang, COMPTECH/University of Hawaii)
11:30 AM Group Photo

11:45 AM Business Meeting & Election of New Officers (Colorado I)
11:45 AM Students/Postdocs Business Meeting (White River)

12:30 PM Lunch (Mountain View Dining Room) 


Session Chair – Quentin Williams (University of California, Santa Cruz)

2:00 PM Keynote Talk - "Pockets, conduits, channels, and plumes:  Links to volcanism and orogeny in the rollback dominated western Mediterranean"
Meghan Miller – University of Southern California
2:30 PM Discussion
2:40 PM Coffee Break

3:00 PM Report from Large Multi-Anvil Press Facility (LMAPF) Workshop
3:15 PM Discussion

3:30 PM Planning for COMPRES IV and Continued Discussion of Long Range Planning Document
Carl Agee - President Elect, COMPRES (University of New Mexico)

4:30 PM Breakout Sessions (White River I & II; Colorado I)

  • Cyber infrastructure and databases: Opportunities in Mineral Physics (Przemek Dera)
  • Panel discussion for students and postdocs: Interviewing for a job (Panel Members: Andrew Campbell and TBD)

5:30 PM Continuation of Poster Session (Colorado II & III)

6:30 PM Dinner (Mountain View Dining Room)


Session Chair – Nancy Ross (Virginia Tech)

7:45 PM Presentations

  • Pamela Burnley – University of Nevada, Las Vegas 
  • Jay Bass – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

8:00 PM Keynote Talk – "Science highlights from the Deep Carbon Observatory" 
Robert Hazen - Carnegie Institution of Washington
8:30 PM Discussion

8:45 PM Continuation of Poster Session (Colorado II & III)



Thursday, July 9 (Day 4)

7:00 AM Breakfast (Mountain View Dining Room)


Session Chair – Jin S. Zhang (University of Hawaii)

9:00 AM Contributed Talks 

  • 9:00 AM Macro and microstress distribution in cold quartz compression at low and high pressure using synchrotron X-ray diffraction: can we see yielding, failure, grain crushing and pore collapse? (Cecilia Cheung, MPI, Stony Brook University)
  • 9:15 AM Single-crystal equations of state of magnesiowüstite to 50 GPa in Neon and Helium at 300 K (Gregory Finkelstein, Caltech)
  • 9:30 AM Solution chemistry from icy world oceans to deep planetary interiors (J. Michael Brown, University of Washington)
  • 9:45 AM Effect of CO2 on H2O storage capacity in olivine at 6 GPa (Jed Mosenfelder, University of Minnesota)
  • 10:00 AM Constraints on the lunar core composition from phase equilibria experiments (Lisa Danielson, NASA JSC / Jacobs Technology)
  • 10:15 AM Metal-silicate partitioning of uranium and the heat budget of the core (Bethany Chidester, University of Chicago)
  • 10:30 AM Putting legs on the spherical Cow: A sensitivity analysis of planetary interior models of the Earth and extrasolar planets (Cayman Unterborn, The Ohio State University)

10:45 AM Coffee Break

11:00 AM Reports from Breakout Sessions

11:30 AM Annuoncement of Poster Awards, sponsored by Springer
Jennifer Jackson (Caltech)

11:40 AM Closing Remarks

Jay Bass - President of COMPRES (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Carl Agee - President Elect, COMPRES (University of New Mexico)

12:30 PM Lunch (Mountain View Dining Room)

1:30 PM Departure 
See you next year!