GSECARS Partnership for Extreme Crystallography (PX2)
Located at:
Argonne National Laboratory
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For information on how to apply for beamtime click here
Principal Investigator: Przemyslaw Dera, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Beamline Scientist: Dongzhou Zhang
Junior Beamline Scientist: Jingui Xu
The Partnership for Extreme Crystallography facility is located at the 13-BM-C station at GSECARS at the Advanced Photon Source. It is designed to provide state-of-the art single-crystal and powder diffraction capabilities on a large 6-circle Newport diffractometer. The facility currently provides for x-ray diffraction capabilities, online Raman spectroscopy and laser heating will be available later in 2016.
Description by Mark Rivers
Dongzhou Zhang (PX^2 beamline scientist) and Natalia Solomatova (Graduate student, California Institute of Technology) were doing experiments at PX^2 control region.
Yi Hu (graduate student, University of Hawaii at Manoa) was doing high pressure-temperature single crystal diffraction at PX^2.
Rachel Morrison (Graduate student, California Institute of Technology) and Natalia Solomatova (Graduate student, California Institute of Technology) were doing experiments at PX^2.
Fei Qin (graduate student, Northwestern University), Yi Hu (graduate student, University of Hawaii at Manoa) and Xiaojing Lai (graduate student, University of Hawaii at Manoa) were doing high pressure single crystal diffraction experiment on diopside.
Joseph Smyth (University of Colorado, Boulder) and Greg Finkelstein (California Institute of Technology) were doing experiment at PX^2.
Wenge Yang, Liuxiang Yang (Carnegie Institution of Washington) and Lingyun Tang (HPSTAR, China) were doing high pressure diffraction experiment at PX^2.
PX^2 experimental station (APS 13-BM-C)
X-ray optics: bench shutter and horizontal K-B mirror
High P-T single crystal diffraction setup with resistive-heated BX-90 diamond anvil cell, water cooling sample stage and gas-driven pressure controller.
Thermal diffuse scattering setup with flight path and Pilatus detector.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Argonne National Laboratory
Multi-Anvil Cell Assembly Project
Arizona State University
National Synchrotron Light Source II
Brookhaven National Laboratory
National Science Foundation
supports COMPRES, the Consortium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences under NSF Cooperative Agreement EAR-1661511.
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