Detailed Program

2017 COMPRES Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico

July 09, 2017 to July 12, 2017

* Indicates student/Post-doc presenter

Sunday, July 9 (Day 1)

Arrival (PM) and check-in (No formal sessions)
Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa
1300 Tuyuna Trail
Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, USA, 87004
Tel: +1 505 867 1234

4:00 PM Check-in, Setup Posters (Tamaya Prefunction North)

4:30 PM Welcome Reception (sponsored) (Tamaya Ballroom D-H)

6:00 PM Poster Session (sponsored) (Tamaya Ballroom D-H)

7:30 PM Dinner (Tamaya Veranda)

Monday, July 10 (Day 2)

7:00 AM Breakfast (Rio Grande Bar)

Session Chair – James Tyburczy (Arizona State University)
(Tamaya Ballroom D-H)

8:30 AM Welcome and Introduction

Carl Agee – President of COMPRES (University of New Mexico)

9:00 AM Keynote Talk – Bombs, meteoroids and space stations: Seeking solutions to quantify planetary volatile distributions
James Day – University of California, San Diego

9:30 AM Discussion

9:45 AM Contributed Talk - Structure and Equation of State of Fe3P up to 1 Mbar: Implications for Phosphorus in Earth’s Core (*Xiaojing Lai, University of Hawaii Manoa)

10:00 AM Coffee Break

10:20 AM Reports from EOID and Facilities Projects
Mark Rivers (Facilities Chair, University of Chicago) - Overview

Facilities Project Presentations
10:30 AM Nuclear Resonant and Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Facility (Ercan Alp, Argonne National Laboratory)
10:45 AM COMPRES Multi-Anvil Facility at Beamline 6-BM-B of the Advanced Photon Source (Haiyan Chen, MPI Stony Brook University)
11:00 AM Planned COMPRES Multi-Anvil Facility at Beamline XPD-D at NSLS-II (Matthew Whitaker, MPI Stony Brook University)
11:15 AM Single Crystal High Pressure Diffraction at the Advanced Light Source (Quentin Williams, UC Santa Cruz)
11:30 AM Partnership for eXtreme Xtallography (PX2) Project at APS (Przemyslaw Dera, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
11:45 AM COMPRES IR-DAC Facilities at NSLS-II: Progress and Perspective (Zhenxian Liu, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
12:00 PM COMPRES Multi-Anvil Cell Assembly Project (Kurt Leinenweber, Arizona State University)
12:15 PM Gas Loading at APS (Mark Rivers, University of Chicago)

12:30 PM Report from GSECARS
Mark Rivers - GSECARS, APS

12:45 PM Lunch (Rio Grande Bar)

Monday, July 10 (Day 2)

Session Chair – Wendy Panero (Ohio State University)
(Tamaya Ballroom D-H)

2:00 PM Keynote Talk – Supercritical silicate melts during and in the aftermath of the Giant Impact
Razvan Caracas – Ecole Normale Superior de Lyon

2:30 PM Discussion

2:45 PM Contributed Talk - Experimental constraints on metal percolation through silicate: How did early cores form? (*Megan Duncan - Carnegie Institution for Science)

3:00 PM Coffee Break

3:20 PM Poster Cameos: 1-minute, 1 slide each
To be emailed to Beth Ha ( before the meeting. Please bring your poster cameo on a USB drive to the meeting for back up. Use the following filename format: SurnameForename.pptx, .pdf
4:30 PM
Poster Session (sponsored)
Judging for posters Session I (last names N-Z)

6:30 PM Dinner (Tamaya Veranda)

Tuesday, July 11 (Day 3)

7:00 AM Breakfast (Rio Grande Bar)

Session Chair – Susannah Dorfman (Michigan State University)
(Tamaya Ballroom D-H)

8:30 AM Keynote Talk – Seismological constraints on mantle transition zone anisotropy
Caroline Beghein – University of California, Los Angeles

9:00 AM Discussion

Contributed Talks
9:15 AM Viscosity jump in the lower mantle inferred from melting curves of (Mg, Fe)O ferropericlase (*Jie Deng, Yale University)
9:30 AM Measurements of mineral thermal conductivity across a phase transition (*Chris McGuire, University of California Los Angeles)
9:45 AM Kinetics of Iron-Magnesite Redox Reaction with Implication for the Genesis of Ultradeep Diamonds (*Feng Zhu, University of Michigan)

10:00 AM Coffee Break

Reports from recent COMPRES workshops
10:20 AM Overview (Heather Watson, EOID Committee Chair - Union College)
10:30 AM Summary of Sunday Workshops (Wendy Panero - Ohio State University and Dan Shim - Arizona State University)
10:40 AM Nuclear Resonant Scattering and Data Analysis Workshop (Wenli Bi - APS)
10:50 AM CETUS Working Group Workshop (Lisa Danielson - Jacobs Technology)

11:00 AM Business Meeting & Election of New Officers
11:00 AM Students/Postdocs Business Meeting (Breakout room)

11:45 AM Group Photo

12:30 PM Lunch (Rio Grande Bar)

Tuesday, July 11 (Day 3)

AFTERNOON SESSION: Science Programs and Collaborative Initiatives
Session Chair – Lily Thompson (University of Chicago)
(Tamaya Ballroom D-H)

2:00 PM Keynote Talk – High-Brightness Infrared Synchrotron Light for Studies of Materials in Extreme Environments
G. Lawrence (Larry) Carr– NSLS II, Brookhaven National Laboratories

2:30 PM Discussion
2:45 PM Contributed Talk - COMPRES, Mineral Physics and Science Advocacy
Carl Agee, President of COMPRES (University of New Mexico) and Caitlin Murphy (AAAS Congressional Science Fellow)

3:15 PM Coffee Break
3:35 PM Breakout Sessions
Panel discussion for students and postdocs: Mineral physics careers: R1 and beyond
Panel Members: Caitlin Murphy (AAAS Congressional Science Fellow, previously a Carnegie postdoctoral fellow), Susannah Dorfman (Michigan State University), Heather Watson (Union College) and Lisa Danielson (Jacobs Technology)

4:45 PM Continuation of Poster Session (sponsored)
Judging for posters Session II (last names A-M)

6:30 PM Banquet Dinner (Tamaya Veranda)

Wednesday, July 12 (Day 4)

7:00 AM Breakfast (Rio Grande Bar)

Session Chair – James Tyburczy (Arizona State University)
(Tamaya Ballroom D-H)

8:30 AM Discussion
COMPRES Workshops and Future Directions
Carl Agee, President of COMPRES (University of New Mexico)

Contributed Talks
9:00 AM Investigation of tissintite Formation Using in-situ Synchrotron-based Multi-Anvil Techniques at Beamline 6BM-B of APS (*Melinda Rucks, Stony Brook University)
9:15 AM The Effect of Nickel on Iron Isotope Fractionation (*Mary Reagan, Stanford University)

Reports from EOID Projects
9:30 AM Overview
Heather Watson (EOID Chair, Union College)
9:40 AM A Career Path for Underrepresented Minority Students from MSIs to National Laboratories
Robert Liebermann - Stony Brook University
9:50 AM Infrastructural Development for Deep-Earth Large-Volume Experimentation "DELVE": An EOID initiative for doubling pressure capability of large-volume apparatus in the US
Yanbin Wang - GSECARS, University of Chicago
10:00 AM Development of an electrical cell in the multi-anvil to study planetary deep interiors
Kurt Leinenweber - Arizona State University

10:15 AM Announcement of Springer Poster Awards

10:25 AM Coffee Break

10:45 AM Reports from breakout sessions

11:30 AM Closing remarks
Carl Agee – President of COMPRES (University of New Mexico)

12:00 PM Departure
See you next year!


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